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Published: 26-05-2022

Visiting an indigenous village is always fascinating, and if you go to Panama City, some tours will take you to an Emberá village. The Emberá people are ancient tribes that live in the Panama rainforest and still maintain their traditional lifestyle. They make a living by hosting tour groups and selling their native crafts, including wood carvings, basket weaving, and jewelry. These handicrafts are on sale in Panama City; however, by purchasing them in the village, you can guarantee that the money spent goes directly to the families that created them. They are proud of their traditions and happy to share them with people who visit their villages.


Embera basket weaving


Getting there


Several villages along the river in the rainforest are villages along the river in the rainforest made up of other families. To reach an Embera village, you must head out in a motorized dugout canoe, often hand-carved by the villagers. Along the way, take the time to appreciate the marvelous natural wonders along the river, such as wildlife and the odd waterfall. If you want to go swimming, take your swimsuits and appropriate footwear (sandals) for the ultimate immersive and “submerging” experience!


Cooling off!

Traditional Dance and Music

In the more remote villages, you may be the only people visiting the community that day. As the canoe arrives at the shores, Embera community members arrive at the village entrance to greet you with traditional music. You will have time to wander through the village and learn more about the daily life of these incredible people. Their homes are simple huts with open walls, and everyone sleeps on the floor. In the past, the Emberá tribe members wore nothing but small swaths of cloth around their waist, but now the women also cover up their chests to avoid visitors staring at them.


Embera music



Lunch is prepared for the entire village and visitors, and while it cooks over an open fire, you can see the children playing in the open area in the heart of the village. The only modern building in the town is the school, built by the government, and teachers arrive on weekdays to provide lessons for children up to the age of 12 to 14. Although older children will leave the village to go on to higher education, most return upon completing their studies to rejoin their town, their village, or re-join their village or to marry into another village. It is a short life, but the people from the cityown seem very happy.


Embera kitchen


In the community

After eating a traditional lunch of tilapia and plantains served in a banana leaf, the villagers gather to play traditional music and dance. There is also the opportunity to get a tribal tattoo, similar to a hemp tattoo that only lasts a couple of weeks.  Check out the authentic handicrafts on sale and hand-made by individual families. For any handicrafts you purchase, the money goes directly to the family that created them. The most sustainable way to help the village is to buy these items and never offer villagers money or “outside” items such as sweets or presents. If you want to donate money, it should be given to the chief, who will ensure that it is appropriately distributed.


Embera Community


Saying goodbye

After the community visit, the villagers will accompany you to the river to wish you goodbye and cool off by swimming in the river. Feel free to join them to escape the midday heat! The Emberá tribe members are amiable and welcoming, and visiting an Emberá village is undoubtedly worth doing when spending time in Panama. It is also an excellent way to spend a little more profound time in the rainforest, enjoy the beautiful scenery, and see some wildlife in the area.


Embera Canoe