new risk

Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Travel Alert

With all the media attention, it is hard to ignore the effect that that the coronavirus pandemic has had on the world. At Va Expeditions, we value the health and safety of all our guests, crews and people involved with our company. We now firmly believe that we are over the worst of the situation and we can see and steady increase in visitors to Peru now that international borders are re-opening and the Covid -19 vaccine is now widely available. We continue to comply and enforce extra health and safety protocols which have been put in place to help prevent the spread of the virus and secure the safety of our guests.  We are in constant contact with the Prom Peru travel board to make sure that we have all the necessary information and tools to ensure a safe and relaxed holiday for our clients. Of course, we do understand your travel concerns, and we want your holiday with us to be as stress-free as possible, so if you do have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Prevention along the Tour.

We have taken all necessary measures in order to avoid any transmission to our passengers and we have implemented the following health and safety procedures from the moment that the coronavirus epidemic was reported worldwide:

All passengers are obliged to provide brief health information to our staff at the airport as we will ask them pertinent questions in case any of the passengers have visited China, Italy, Brazil etc. during the last 14 days or have flu-like symptoms. If we do have a special case reported, we will immediately contact the health authorities and passengers will not be allowed to continue on the tour as a prevention measure for all our guests.

Our staff members are performing regular cleaning procedures and emphasizing aseptic disinfection of all our transportation as well as their equipment on a more frequent basis to help combat the virus.

We have equipped our staff with antiseptic gel and alcohol to maintain adequate disinfection on board and for daily use of our passengers.

We are equipping our buses with sterile facemasks in the event that passengers require this protection.

All health and safety measures to protect our passengers will be taken in Peru and we will be assisting all guests and passengers in the most appropriate way. We will also keep you updated with any official news as it is published.

We are happy to offer alternative ideas for your future travel plans, should you feel the need to change your itineraries. Please know that this situation is temporary, so if you are still planning a trip at the end of the year or in 2022 there is no reason not to go ahead with your trip.

You will also be pleased to hear that most of the major airlines are *waiving changes fees for future departures.

Let’s work together on developing a plan that will make you feel comfortable, safe and still fulfill your travel objectives.



Prevention:  Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.

  • After coughing or sneezing.
  • Before eating.
  • After using the bathroom.

Clean hands frequently with alcohol-based gel.


  • When coughing or sneezing cover your mouth and nose with flexed elbow
  • Use a tissue when coughing and throw it away.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, mouth and nose with your hands.
  • Face masks are obligatory in Peru and many public places also request a face visor to enter. Please request masks from our staff if you do not have one.

Inform us:

  • If you have a fever, cough or difficulty breathing, please seek early medical care and share your previous travel history with our staff on the tour.
  • We want your holiday with us to be as relaxed as possible so if you do have any questions or inquiries please do not hesitate to contact our staff.