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Published: 21-06-2022

It is always a good idea to know about the cost of living when you visit a new country; Argentina is no exception. The government has had a somewhat unstable economy for some time now, with the devaluation of the Argentinian peso a constant issue. Here are some general as they stand in 2022.  At the time, there were 124 Argentinian Pesos to a US Dollar.





Hostels are widespread throughout the country. In more touristy destination towns like Mendoza, expect to pay 2,200 ARS. Private rooms in a hostel with a shared bath are generally double the price of dorm rooms, costing around 4,000-5,700 ARS per night. In the off-season, you can often take 1,500 ARS off these prices.

Camping is widespread all around the country, including the world-famous Patagonia region and especially near the national parks. Expect to pay around 800-1,000 ARS for a basic camping spot.


Camping In The Mountains


Hotels come in all shapes and sizes, from the most basic to the extreme luxury options. Be sure to check out options depending on your budget and travel style. Hotels in Argentina always include free Wi-Fi. Most have complimentary breakfast and private bathrooms as well. Ask us for more information about hotel options for your Argentina trip during the booking process.

Airbnb averages 1,050-1,800 ARS per night for a private room and 2,200-3,800 ARS for an entire apartment.


Buenos Aires Hotels



Argentine food is a mix of Mediterranean influences: first from Spanish colonizers and later from European immigrants in the 19th and 20th centuries, primarily from Italy and Spain. Empanadas, pizza, polenta, and pasta all heavily feature in Argentine cuisine.
Argentina is famous for the Asado (barbeque) and tremendous consumption of beef, especially steak and ribs. Tomatoes, onions, lettuce, eggplants, squashes, and zucchini are the most common vegetables. Dulce de leche, a caramel sauce made from condensed milk, is a popular sweet.
Yerba mate is the favorite national drink. It’s a caffeinated herbal drink that is prepared in a traditional gourd. It is consumed socially by passing around the gourd and its accompanying metal straw.


Top-End Dining

Overall, food is pretty expensive in Argentina, especially in popular resorts and outdoor adventure towns. Take advantage of eating breakfast and lunch specials to get the most out of your money. Breakfast deals go for 200-400 Ars and usually consist of a coffee and a pastry, toast, or eggs.

Lunch specials vary greatly but are generally around 550-900 ARS. Meals at a cheap cafe begin at around 540-780 ARS for a light lunch of a sandwich or salad.

In terms of street food, empanada, choripán (sausage sandwiches) stands, and local hole-in-the-wall burger and pizza shops are economical and tasty. Empanadas go for around 50 ARS each, choripán for 500 ARS, and fast-food pizza or burgers for about 350-500 ARS.


Argentine Asado


In major cities, a Chinese takeout restaurant is around 500 ARS, while a dish at a sit-down Indian restaurant is about 600-800. Expect to pay 2,875-3,500 ARS at an excellent traditional Argentinian steakhouse for a good steak and wine. At more casual restaurants, steaks cost around 950-1,350 ARS, while vegetable-based pasta dishes cost 580-700 ARS. Regarding drinks, beer is about 300, a glass of wine is 200 ARS, a cocktail is around 450 ARS, and a cappuccino is 175 ARS. If you’re going to a grocery shop, expect to spend about 2,500-3,500 ARS per week for groceries, including bottles of wine. This gets you basic staples like rice, beans, pasta, seasonal produce, and some meat.


Yerba Mate overlooking Nahuel Huapi



Activities here are generally more expensive than in other South American countries. Outdoor adventure activities cost between 3,400-5,200 ARS for half-day tours and 12,000-17,500 ARS for full-day tours (which usually include lunch). A full-day Mendoza day wine tour is around 8,300-12,500 ARS. A Patagonia 3-4-day tour starts at 24,000 ARS, but most are around 57,000 ARS and up. Museum admission is often free, though paid tickets range between 400-800 ARS. National Park entrance fees range from 1,200-3,500 ARS per person.


Tigre Art Museum, Buenos Aires


Please remember there are price options for all budgets and travel styles, and you can generally visit Argentina as cheaply or as luxurious as you desire.  The amounts stated are general, mid-range options, so expect to pay slightly less or more depending on your tastes. The wonderful thing about Argentina is that there is something for everyone and all travel budgets!